Virtual background for Zoom, Wallpaper desk space backdrops, Home office privacy images instant downloads for online meetings
Working from home or meeting friends virtuell? Choose this background image for your virtual meetings and keep your home private, use as consistent background or change and surprise your meeting colleagues/friends with new backgrounds!
▪️You will receive an Email with: 5 high quality PNG Files
📩 Perfectly sized for Zoom - 16:9 ratio (1920x1080 pixels)
This listing is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD and no physical product is included.
After payment is complete the download becomes automatically available.
Check out more instructions for how to add your own virtual background to each platform by visiting one of the links below:
- Instructions for Zoom:
- Instructions for Skype:
- Instructions for Webex, visit:
- Instructions for Google Meet:
- Instructions for Microsoft Teams: Teams does not currently support uploading your own virtual background but it is said by Microsoft that this feature is Coming Soon to Teams Video Meetings!
When you purchase this download you are only permitted to use it for personal use or as a gift. You are not permitted to resell.
Thank you for shopping here ❤️